22/10/21 - Category 2


On Friday, October 22, following a working session at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Tarn, MEPs Mr. Christophe Grudler and Ms. Valérie Hayer visited the headquarters of Amarenco France in Lagrave. They were accompanied by Mrs. Marie-Christine Verdier-Jouclas, deputy of the Tarn, and Mr. Michel Bossi, President of the CCI of the Tarn.

All the issues relevant to solar energy production were discussed, demonstrating the vitality of this key sector for a dynamic and innovative Europe in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreements and the European Green Pact :

❏ European industry and innovation

❏ Agrisolar, storage and hydrogen

❏ Life cycle and social and environmental impacts

❏ Project acceptability, financing costs and simplification of administrative procedures

Our sector is booming, but still under considerable stress due to the pandemic and its impact on the entire international supply chain and needs to be brought high on the political agenda.