Beyond being an independent solar energy producer, Amarenco wants to be a player in the decarbonization and transformation of our economic model.
OBJECTIVE: Reconcile economy and ecology
2030 and 2050 represent two essential dates in Amarenco’s future, but also and more importantly for all humanity’s future. As highlighted by the Paris climate agreement approved by 195 countries at the end of 2015 and as the IPCC and many experts continue to confirm, the fight against climate change is a crucial one.
Reducing global warming to 1.5°C by 2100 requires achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and halving our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. But today in 2021, fossil fuels still represent over 80% of the world’s energy.
Unfortunately, the unprecedented crisis humanity must face will be much more than a climate crisis. Research by Johan Rockström and the Stockholm Resilience Centre which in particular resulted in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) shows that as well as the climate, eight other processes regulate the stability of the planet’s system. They concern living things and their interactions with the land, oceans and the atmosphere. Conditions for existence and life as we know it on our planet depend on thresholds that cannot be exceeded without destabilising the Earth’s entire system.
Today in 2021, we know that the critical threshold of 3 planetary limits other than climate change has already or nearly been reached:
erosion of biodiversity
disruption of the biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen and phosphorous
soil degradation
We are in a state of dire emergency. On a scale of months, 2030 represents 100 months. On a scale of days, it represents 3,000 days...
At Amarenco, we have chosen to be at the heart of these challenges and create a regenerative socio-economic model because we no longer have a choice. We no longer have the time for passivity and inaction. We can no longer suffer the shortcomings of meaningless, purposeless capitalism.
The group provides itself with the means to achieve its ambitions, focusing on making electricity accessible to the masses through its photovoltaic energy infrastructures to achieve 10 regenerative GW in 2030 and 50 regenerative GW in 2050. All this while permanently committed to the regeneration of ecosystems in areas where the company has its infrastructures
Our core contribution to the UN SDGs
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Amarenco is committed to helping sustainable food production. Through the ECHO programme, Amarenco works to enhance land productivity and ecological resilience. Amarenco prenvents artificialisation of agricultural land thanks to agile agrivoltaic projects that coexist with crops or cattle, and that contribute to preserve and even improve the crops' productivity.
Amarenco has a 0 serious accident track record, allowed by a strong focus on health and safety both in our offices and sites. We build strong relationships with our partners and set high quality, health and safety standards through our ecosystem, rewarded by renewed ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications (French operations).
Asbestos presents a threat to the health of workers in the buildings affected. To improve overall workers' health, Amarenco removed over 60,000m² of asbestos last year on our sites.
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Amarenco’s historical management team dominated by male executives has made the commitment to shift the balance with a strong priority on the company’s agenda, in addition to the overall company’s gender equality objective
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy.
Amarenco’s raison d’être is to generate the lowest power carbon footprint and cost of kWh by deploying solar and solarized infrastructures
Amarenco France is among the first that created its own collective convention for employees, above the French standards of its sector. We support our employees initiatives for well being, community development and environmental actions through an ambitious internal program, tools and resources. We pay strong attention to health, safety and human rights issues for our collaborators, subcontractors and suppliers, to create the best conditions for a regenerative economy.
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Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*.
Amarenco’s mission statement is to deploy meaningful solar and solar and solarized infrastructures while achieving the regeneration of the ecosystem earth. This is translated in our pledge which finances our Echo Programs.
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
Amarenco’s mission statement is to deploy meaningful solar and solar and solarized infrastructures while achieving the regeneration of the ecosystem earth. This is translated in our pledge which finances our Echo Programs.
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
Amarenco’s DNA is to partner with local stakeholders, public and private, in order to expand the growing glocal community of people who believes in the creation of cities and infrastructures that possess greater natural beauty, ecological health, and productive capacity than even the world’s most pristine forests. By making solar ubiquitous, digitalizing the energy sector, co-creating innovative financial instruments towards nature-based solutions, Amarenco’s ambition is to contribute to the emergence of a new paradigm : the regenerative economy.
The unprecedented crisis humanity is facing is much more than mere climate change. Research by Johan Rockström and the Stockholm Resilience Centre which inspired the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals demonstrates this.
Different processes regulate the stability of the planet’s system. In particular, they involve the interactions of living things with the land, oceans and the atmosphere, conditioning sustainability of life as we know it on our planet. In 2021, the critical threshold has already or nearly been reached for some of these processes: erosion of biodiversity, disruption of biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen and phosphorous and soil degradation.
We are in a state of dire emergency. There are only 100 months or around 3,000 days left until 2030...
Amarenco is a partner of the 4 per 1000 initiative in partnership with INRA which promotes soil regeneration for food security and climate.